Visual Novel Machinery 1.8 Released


  • Added Cg Play Animation Node
  • Added Scene Background Play Animation Node
  • Added Character Play Animation Node
  • Added Dialog Window Play Animation Node
  • Character Hide Node Button in the VNM Tab will now actually spawn a character hide node and not a character show node
  • Beta: Integrated support for importing yarnspinner yarn files and generate dialog blueprints from them
    • You need to download the yarn spinner console (ysc.exe) and set the path to it in the VNM Yarn Editor Setting found in Project Settings -> Plugins
    • Create a blueprint from the class YarnFunctionBlueprintLibrary to create your own yarn functions
      • These functions need to use an output parameter named “ReturnValue” and can only be of type boolean/string/float
      • Input parameters can only be boolean/string/float
      • Set the blueprint in VNM Yarn Settings to make sure it is found
    • Create a blueprint from the class YarnCommandBlueprintLibrary to create your own yarn commands
      • These functions or events should not have any return value
      • Input parameters can only be boolean/string/float
      • Set the blueprint in VNM Yarn Settings to make sure it is found
    • It does not support the <<jump <node name> >> command, if the node is not inside the same yarn file
    • Special commands for your yarnspinner scripts that spawn the equivalent VNM node when importing the yarn script:
      • Dialog Nodes:
        • <<dialog window <should hide (true/false)> <set to automatic (true/false)> [<transition event> <DontWaitForTransitionToFinish (true/false)> <CustomTransitionName>] >>
        • <<dialog widget show <widget blueprint name (ex: W_TestWidget)> [<Wait for widget to close again (true/false)>] >>
        • <<dialog widget hide <widget blueprint name (ex: W_TestWidget)> >>
        • <<dialog memory get <dialog id> <memory id> <variable name to save the memory value to ($<variablename>) > >>
        • <<dialog memory set <dialog id> <memory id> <variable name to save the memory value to ($<variablename>) > >>
      • Character Nodes:
        • <<character show <character id> <emotion id> [<character positioning> <transition event> <DontWaitForTransitionToFinish (true/false)> <CustomTransitionName>] >>
        • <<character hide <character id> [<transition event> <DontWaitForTransitionToFinish (true/false)> <CustomTransitionName>] >>
        • <<character move <character id> <character positioning> [<MoveWithAnimation (true/false)] >>
        • <<character rename <character id> <new character name> > >>
        • <<character rename interactive <character id> > >>
        • <<character layer add <character id> <layer id> <image id> > >>
        • <<character layer remove <character id> <layer id> > >>
        • <<character memory get <character id> <memory id> <variable name to save the memory value to ($<variablename>) > >>
        • <<character memory set <character id> <memory id> <variable name to save the memory value to ($<variablename>) > >>
      • Character 3D Nodes:
        • <<character3D show <character id> <emotion id> <dialog scene id> <spawn location> >>
        • <<character3D hide <character id> >>
      • CG Nodes:
        • <<cg show <cg id> [<transition event> <DontWaitForTransitionToFinish (true/false)> <CustomTransitionName>] >>
        • <<cg hide [<transition event> <DontWaitForTransitionToFinish (true/false)> <CustomTransitionName>] >>
        • <<cg layer add <cg id> <layer id> <image id> > >>
        • <<cg layer remove <cg id> <layer id> > >>
      • Scene Background Nodes:
        • <<scenebackground show <scenebackground id> [<transition event> <DontWaitForTransitionToFinish (true/false)> <CustomTransitionName>] >>
        • <<scenebackground hide [<transition event> <DontWaitForTransitionToFinish (true/false)> <CustomTransitionName>] >>
        • <<scenebackground layer add <scenebackground id> <layer id> <image id> > >>
        • <<scenebackground layer remove <scenebackground id> <layer id> > >>
      • Dialog Scene Nodes:
        • <<dialogscene show <dialog scene id> <camera name> >>
        • <<dialogscene hide >>
        • <<dialogscene camera <dialog scene id> <camera name> [<DontWaitForTransitionToFinish (true/false)>] >>
      • Audio Nodes:
        • <<audio play bgm <background music id> [<volume> <pitch> <start time> <WaitForAudioToFinish (true/false)> <IsLooping (true/false)>] >>
        • <<audio play sfx <sfx id> [<volume> <pitch> <start time> <WaitForAudioToFinish (true/false)>] >>
        • <<audio play charactervo <character id> <voice over id> [<volume> <pitch> <start time> <WaitForAudioToFinish (true/false)>] >>
        • <<audio play dialogvo <dialog id> <voice over id> [<volume> <pitch> <start time> <WaitForAudioToFinish (true/false)>] >>
        • <<audio stop bgm >>
        • <<audio stop sfx >>
        • <<audio stop vo >>


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