Character Show Node Visual



Name Type Description
Execution Line In Execution Execution Line Input


Name Type Description
Execution Line Out Execution Execution Line Output

On-Node Properties

Name Description
Character The Id of the character to show
Emotion The Id of the emotion of the character to show

Additional Properties

Name Type Description
Character Positioning ECharacterPositioning The position of the character (LEFT/CENTER/RIGHT/TRUECENTER)
Transition Event Transition Event How should the character be shown
Custom Transition Event Name FString The name of the animation to use if Transition Event is set to Custom
Dont Wait For Transition To Finish Boolean If set to true then the dialog will automatically continue, while the character finishes its transition
Layers TArray<FImageLayerInfo> Layers that should be automatically added to the character when showing it.

Script Reference -id=<character id> -emotion=<emotion id> [-position=<CENTER/LEFT/RIGHT/CUSTOM>] [-transition=<transition name>] [-dontwait] [-customtransition=<Animation name>]